Introduction to the Leadership Themes from the Gospels
We may need to rediscover what Christ calls us to when we lead and manage His Church.
Is your church dedication to Christ's Sovereignty and Lordship?
Are you in leadership to serve or be served?
Is your church's direction from Christ our Lord or from what is happening now?
See the entire series here: /Leadership-from-the-Gospels
Research on the Happenings in Pastors' Personal and Church Lives.
So, what is going on with today's servants of the Church?
Since first studying pastors in the late 80's, we are seeing significant shifts in the last 20 years on how pastors view their calling and how churches treat them.
If pastors were given a 'do over,' would they choose another career other than full-time ministry? 78%, said No!
PDF Report with graphs and insights:
We have an entirely new website; months of undertaking from many dedicated people. And we are still working on it. Over one thousand Biblical, practical and well-researched articles and curriculums, all for you to use to build a better church for our Lord's glory!
The Names of Jesus
These are the names and titles of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, reflecting who He is, such as Christ which means Messiah. By knowing His Names, we get a glimpse of our Lord and Creator, of how to praise Him, how to know Him, how to emulate His character. Thus, this impacts us in all that we do, in our walk with and in Him and on this earth with each other, enabling us to be all we can be for His glory.
Beware that Anger Kills Ministry!
Matthew 5: 21-26, Because He is a God of holiness and details, He gives us specific issues that are to show root causes of sin and unrighteousness. (1/31/2008)
The Character of Determination
Is the ability to make difficult decisions. (1/29/2008)
Here is the Bible Reading Chart for using the Inductive Bible Study method. Here you can write down and record all of your observations, what your have learned, your questions, and even make a commitment on what you will do with the information from God's most precious Word! Feel free to make copies of this for your personal use; more are available in our book, Into Thy Word! (3/6/2008)