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Servant Leadership

Real successful leadership is rooted in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ, as "He took a towel" (John 13:2-5).
He was efficient with people, had goals in sight, but was also relational over being task-driven. This kind of "Servant Leadership" produces a church filled with real purpose and motivation as people are called, appreciated, loved, encouraged, discipled, involved by mentoring and discipleship before they are deployed in ministry. This is "Christ life" before "ministry life." Thus, the leadership of Christ is producing a church of spiritual maturity and involvement so that the people are inspired to be devolved, as in caught up in Christ and with one another to be more admirable in the faith and in the world making Him known.
Mark 10:35-45; Luke 22:26; John 13:2-17; 1 Corinthians 3- 4; Ephesians 4

A Profile of Servant Leadership We usually know what the world calls us to, but do you know what God calls you to? The Bible calls us to a higher level of excellence; one of vision, love, integrity, and functionality. That is what I call "Incarnational Leadership." It simply means that I will lead the way Christ led. I will not lead the way the world wants me to. Incarnational represents the view that we are to leave the ways of the world and its ways of leadership, and turn to the ways of Christ. As He was Incarnational, we can be too...

Servant Leadership Checklist

Are you a good leader? Do you want to be? We have to ask ourselves whether we are being an agent of change or being manipulative and controlling. We have to ask ourselves if we are empowering people or scheming to get them to do what we want. Are we leading from our authentic spiritual formation or from an idea of what we think we should be? Because, to be a leader for Christ, we must put off our own personal agendas and adopt His will and ways!

Servant Leadership Principles

If you are in leadership, then be a good leader! Servant Leaders are the managers and administers who do the hands-on work of the Lord! We are to do this by being the people of the Lord. Incarnational Leaders are people who are more visionary, the ones who set the tone and empower the Servant Leaders. Incarnational Leaders are the visionaries, entrepreneurs, architects, and builders of the church.
Here is a PDF and A PowerPoint presentation on "Servant Leadership"
Articles on Aspects of Leading as Christ

Too often people confuse a strong-willed personality as an effective leader, leadership is not being strong-willed, rather having a strong sense of purpose that is centered upon God. The church of our Lord needs leaders, not petty instigators. There are too many churches that substitute a petty person for a godly person and see no distinction, because the people who put them in power do not know the difference.

Have a Vision

A vision will have your primary call from Scripture, to hear and obey His Word!

Have Knowledge

Knowledge is being assured that what Christ did is relevant and impacting, and is a reality that must be accepted and committed to.

Love their Call

Love their Call is Passion, it means there is nothing better you would rather do than...

Be an Energizer

Energizer is the importance of influence, and being attractive with Christ who gets excited and is joyful for Him!

Be a Learner

Learning is to learn and grow from the experience the Lord gives us so we are an example for His work!

Have Maturity

Maturity is to know that our need is to be in Christ, and not to be to ourselves!

Have Perseverance

Perseverance is to continue in our state of grace so we live it out in our lives and walk with Christ to the end for our eternal reward!

Have Spunk

Spunk is the willingness to take a risk and go beyond ourselves, our experience and knowledge and into what is best for the body of Christ!

No Fear of Failure

No Fear of Failure is the ability to take a risk and keep the focus and attention on our call and obedience!

Be a Follower

Followers is knowing that you cannot lead where you have not been, unless the leader is a good follower of the Lord they cannot lead others effectively!

Be a Listener

Listening knows to be an effectual leader, you must know how to listen, all its takes is the will to turn it on and let it work.

Leadership has been the big "buzz-word" for the church in America during the last dozen or so years, but exactly what is meant by real leadership? Many books and resources are available on this subject, and to be honest with you, most of them are fluff and nonsense, distilled from contradictory business paradigms and faulty presuppositions that ignore the truths of Scripture! I have spent most of my ministerial career studying leadership as a church growth constant, I even went to Harvard Business School where I pursued an MBA. I thought that would make me a better leader for Christ. But, I gradually came to understand that what makes a leader great and effective is not found in most business schools or even books on leadership. Quite the contrary, those qualities are found in the Person, work, and life of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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