
The latest Bible Study, from Into Thy Word, an inductive and exegetical lesson that can be used for personal growth, group study or as a sermon resource. This is a very in-depth work, nothing read into the Word only God's timeless treasures exposed.
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Please click the "InJesus" link below to participate. You will be emailed the Bible Study. It is fun, easy and convenient! Learn and grow in His Word, even during your busy schedules!
Past issues and this weeks study are available in the 'Online Bible Study' channel. Please spread the word about the Word!
We are dedicated to bringing you a Conservative Reformed Bible- centered theology, committed to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Bible Study-- yes, a mouthful to say that we are true to the Word. We are dedicated to the truth and integrity of Scripture. We add nothing to and take nothing away from God's most precious Word. We love the Word of God and our desire is that you do too. Each Monday, subscribers will receive a serialized installment of the current Bible Study (we are now in the book of Revelation), and you can receive all this via e-mail.
If you are Reformed, Charismatic, Catholic, Evangelical, Mainline, or Pentecostal or do not even know what those words mean, we encourage you to join in. We invite all to join us, regardless of your church or denominational background. Our purpose is to challenge one other to learn and grow in the Word of God.
- We are here to help each other learn. We do not have all of the answers, but we do know the One who does. So, let us get to know Him through His Word and through prayer!
- If you have not already done so, please register with us before you begin to participate.
- In the Fall will be studying the book of Hebrews and more Biblical Character definitions!
- Please join us for our "InJesus" Online Bible Study. It is an "email" format and it is fun and easy to use.
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Enjoy your venture into His Word!