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The Character of Dependability

By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
Is being constantly reliable and trustworthy.
Dependable (John 15:13; 1 Corinthians 4:2; Colossians 1:10) is being constantly reliable and trustworthy. It will allow us to continue in our commitments even if it means personal sacrifice. This will allow others to build trust in us and point to the One who they can put the most important trust in, Christ as Lord.

Unreliable and unpredictable are the opposites. This can rage from constantly being late and holding others up, to having a personality that is unpredictable that others do not know how to relate and respond to you.

Being a person who others cannot count on or trust will block effective relationships from being built! This will also lead to a false impression of Christianity as people see who Christ is by our actions. Thus, when we are unpredictable how can they see God and church as stable and worth investigation? Our dependability needs to be built on the fact that Christ is dependable with us. Because Christ character is dependable, we should response to what He has done for me out of a sense of gratitude. So we can likewise be dependable to others even when we do not like it or if it is inconvenient. Being dependable is a reflection of our priorities, if your priorities are not God centered then you will not show good character to others. Being trustworthy shows our commitment to others by being a person who cares for them personally as well as a just cause such as church events. Dependability is the quality of always being there for others from family, friends as well as neighbors and the others around us. It is always being faithful! My brother in law who is a Marine pointed out that their motto (whom he says is the greatest elite fighting force of all time, the United States Marine Corps) is "Semper Fidelis," meaning: "Always Faithful", always dependable. Should it not be the motto of the Christian too!

Is the Character of Dependability working in you?


Here is how you can find out. Take a careful look at this character and fruit of Dependability from God's most precious Word by examining the passages below. Now ask yourself:

1. How do I exhibit Dependability in my daily life?

2. What can I do to develop a better attitude of being Dependable?

3. What blocks me from being dependable?

4. How can I make Dependability function better, stronger and faster even in times of uncertainly and stress?

Further Questions

  1. How would you define Dependability? Are you a Dependable person?

  1. What are the things that cause you to be unreliable?

  1. How does being Untrustworthy counteract Dependability?

  1. What happens to our relationships with God and others when we are unreliable with others?

  1. When have you been Dependable the most?

  1. In what situation did you fail to be Dependable in which you should have?

  1. What issue is in your life that would improve with being more Dependable?

  1. Think through the steps you need to take to put Dependability into action in a specific instance. Such as do I really believe that when I hold others up I cause unnecessary frustration and give Jesus a bad reputation? Dependability is a virtue, so you need to strategize on how to apply it in work, friends, school, church…? How can you rethink your schedule and priorities to be more Dependable?

· Here are positive examples from Scripture (Gen. 6:5-8; 7:1-5; Ruth 1:15-18; Matt. 24:42-25:13; Phil. 2:19-23)

· Here is are negative examples from Scripture (2 Sam. 3:26-30; 39; Matt. 25:21-30; 2 Tim. 4:9-11)

© 2002, , Richard J. Krejcir, Ph.D. Schaeffer Institute of Church Leadership,
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