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Statement of Core Values

By ITW Staff
Through His Word and the Holy Spirit, we strive to bring the gift of a life that is fully surrendered to God. We approach all of our work and life under God's control and leadership.

Statement of Core Values

ONE: Lead a Spiritually Surrendered Life

Through His Word and the Holy Spirit, we strive to bring the gift of a life that is fully surrendered to God. We approach all of our work and life under God's control and leadership.

Gal. 2:20; I Timothy 4:7

The main Thing... is to keep the main thing... the main thing!

TWO: Maintain an Infectious, Optimistic & Enthusiastic Attitude


We strive to be team players who encourage others and who have the best interests of the team at heart. There's no substitute for a great attitude.

Deut. 20:8; I Thess. 5:11

Having a good attitude is my choice... every day!

THREE: Be a Teachable Team Player


We strive to maintain a teachable heart. We believe this is the key to successful, ongoing growth in life and ministry: to stay open to instruction, correction and improvement.

II Tim. 3:16,17; Prov. 1:28-33

The hide of an alligator, which is tough, and the heart of a bunny, which is tender, is the makeup of those committed to continued growth!

FOUR: Approach Work with Passion and Intensity


We strive to maintain a fervent and dedicated spirit that remains faithful and perseveres in the midst of difficulty. We put our hand to the plow and don't look back. We are dedicated to serving the Lord and His church heartily and with purpose.

Col. 3: 23,24; Phil. 1:6; 3:10

Don't wait for your ship to come in…. Swim out to meet it!

FIVE: Honor and Value Ministry and Prayer Partners


We fully strive habitually to affirm, encourage and celebrate others' efforts. Without prayer partners, there would be no ministry or success.

Dut. 20:8; 1Thess. 5:11

Together, Each Accomplishes More!

SIX: Hold Each Other's Arms Up


A staff team is a special, God-planned family brought together for a purpose - His purpose. Thus, we strive to respect, love, protect and support others in all ways possible.

Exodus 17:11,12

Circle the wagons, and raise the shields to keep the enemy out!

SEVEN: Stay on Your Knees


We are committed to pray for God's supernatural involvement in the life of our church, in your family and mine, in our ministry and personal walks with Jesus. Humble yourself before God and expect Him to do great things as you seek to serve Him with all your might.

l Thess.5:17;1 Peter 5:6,7

Pray as if all you do depends on God... and work as if it all depends on you.

We strive to do this, living with the attitude of:

·Nothing to Prove, because peer pressure leads to distraction and death.

·Nothing to Hide, because Jesus paid our price. Thus, I do not need the distractions such as pride, arrogance, gossip, lust and pornography. I give my Lord my very best. Thus, I must confess sin.

·Nothing to Lose, because I cannot affect the world living in fear. I live with God's best in mind, by Christ's character and precepts, as Paul lived, with his dedication and focus, through despair and difficulty.

Psalm 63:1; 89:7; 119:18; Prov. 1:7; 3:5-6; John 7:17-18

(c) 1992 Richard Joseph Krejcir

Co-Founder and Director

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