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Leading the Church

The Final Judgment

By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
The Final Judgment refers to the righteous judgement of God, that is still to come at the end of human history as we know it...

The Final Judgment refers to the righteous judgement of God, that is still to come at the end of human history as we know it ( Duet. 30:19; Luke 13:24; Phil. 2:10-11). This is not to judge our salvation as believers, it has already be done. It will be to judge our works and motivations! And then we will receive our place in eternity, our reward. For the non-Christian this is God's justice, His anger and fury to sin (John 3:36; Rom. 2:5; 5:9; Eph. 5:6; Col. 3:6; Rev. 6:17; 19:15) , will prevail, that all people in all times will be judged, and all will give an account to God for there actions in life on earth (Psalm 62:12; Matt. 16:27; Rom. 2:6; II Cor. 5:10; Rev. 22:12). As believers, Christ will save us from the anger of God (Matt. 12:33-37; I Thess. 1:10), and allow us to reveal our works, the fruits and gratitude for our salvation. Beware you the "reprobate", the carnal Christian, your hypocrisy will be revealed (Matt. 7:21-23; 18:23-35; 25:34-46; I Cor. 4:5; James 2:14-26).

Christ is both judge, jury, prosecutor, and defense attorney, and the only one who can pardon (Matt. 13:40-43; 25:41-46; John 5:22-30; Acts 10:42; II Cor. 5:10; II Tim. 4:1; Heb. 9:27; 10:25-31; 12:23; II Pet. 3:7; Jude 6-7; Rev. 20:11-15). This final judgment will answer and reveal His plan and reasons to all (Psalm 50:16-21; Acts 14:16; Rev. 6:10; 16:5-7; 19:1-5).

© 1992, 2001 R.J. Krejcir, Schaeffer Institute of Church Leadership,

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