The Law
By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
The Reformation and the Protestant church were founded on grace, and a lot of Christians think the law has been voided. However this is not the teaching of Scripture...
The Reformation and the Protestant church were founded on grace, and a lot of Christians think the law has been voided. However this is not the teaching of Scripture (Psalm 19; 119: 9-16; Rom. 7:7-25; 8:3-4; I Cor. 7:19; Gal. 3:24).
The law has three purposes according to Calvin.
1. To be a mirror, to show us our depravity and need for a Savior. While at the same to show us His holiness.
2. The law is the restraint to protect good people from evil by the "dread of punishment", "to be the schoolmaster", and show God's justice to people.
3. To show us what pleases God, and what is offensive. So we know how to worship and respond to Him.
We as Christians are to love, obey, and serve Him, and the law reveals the way (John 14:15). Our freedom is redemption, which means we do not have to fear the curse or God's wrath and punishment from our mistakes. So that through our justification we can obey Him, and His moral law (Duet. 5:1-22; 10:1214; 11:1).
© 1992, 2001 R.J. Krejcir, Schaeffer Institute of Church Leadership,
The Final Judgment refers to the righteous judgement of God, that is still to come at the end of human history as we know it...
Fate is looking at what must be, what has been decreed by whoever is in charge.
Up until the Fall, humanity drew their support and substance directly from God, in perfect relation, and when they fell it was all gone.