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Leading the Church

Sovereignty of God

By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
The God who ordains the ends (from creation to salvation) and numbers our hairs, also ordains the means to the ends...

The "Sovereignty of God is clearly spelled out in Romans"

Yet, Paul is poured out and sorrowful, and in (10:1) is worshiping and in (11:33-36) is praying. Calvin spends more time speaking on the responsibility of men and prayer than anything else in the acronym of TULIP! The big picture is God is totally Sovereign, and we have free will and responsibility! God's sovereignty does not nullify our responsibility and calls! Free will and sovereignty go together like roots and leaves, they may not need each other from God's perspective, but they do from ours.

Spurgeon says, "they are friends"!

Augustine says, "we must work and do as it all depends on us, and pray and trust as it all depended on God"!

The God who ordains the ends (from creation to salvation) and numbers our hairs, also ordains the means to the ends: That our prayers, witness and free will is God's foreordained decree which is far beyond our feeble understanding and choices we make.


See the full article on the top of our Doctrine channel....

© 1992, 2001 R.J. Krejcir, Schaeffer Institute of Church Leadership,

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