Now we have an opportunity to make it so. Taking his "True Spirituality" and the "Church at the End of the 21 Century" into more research, and community practice. Our goal is to take our think-tank and resources and develop a Center of Fellowship and Study here in Pasadena for lectures and continue his legacy with further research. It will be true to the original vision and the role of the Schaeffer’s and thus not associated with the current L'Abri system.
We do not keep these commands to earn our salvation. Salvation comes only on the basis of the altar, which represented Christ's death in space and time. We must accept salvation with the empty hands of faith. Rather, the commands are the conditional statement in the midst of the unconditional promises. For example, do you as a Christian want to be forgiven existentially by God? Then have a forgiving heart toward other men. That is what Jesus was saying. - Francis Schaeffer

It is our VISION and call, and commitment to point the church back onto the path of making disciples. It is our passion and directive to lead Christians away from our false perceptions and into His way.
Let us know how we can be of assistance and partner with you and keep his vision and percepts flowing to a new postmodern age...
What is a L'Abri?
L'Abri is a French word that means “shelter.” It is a community of committed believers serving the Lord in a center for research and practicum. The first L'Abri community was founded in Switzerland in 1955 by Dr. Francis Schaeffer and his wife, Edith. Dr. Schaeffer was a Christian theologian and philosopher who also authored a number of books on theology, philosophy, general culture and the arts. Our “Schaeffer Center” will continue this legacy under a new branding.