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Effective Leadership

Matthew 16: 1-12, Seeking a Sign? The Pharisees were hounding Jesus for more miracles to prove who He was.
Matthew 5: 33-37, Do you keep your word as a leader? God requires us to take our word and deeds seriously...
What will you do with this incredible opportunity of expanding the Gospel so others can know and grow in Christ?
How far is your church's reach with kindness and truth?
Do you know what you teach, do you teach what you know?
How does God want you to treat His children?
Is your church inventing or following Jesus?
Key point: We must make sure our value system is based on God's true Truth! Be on guard against building on the shifting sands and lies of the culture and the world! We are to be the influencers of culture, not the receivers. This is where the church is weak and prone to attack. (Isaiah 54:17; Ephesians 6:10-18)
As leaders in Christ's Body, we must be morally true. We must have a deep penetrating desire for real Truth and teach that Truth with passion and conviction, with clarity and love. We are to think and inspire others about Christ and consider what we have in Him to experience our new lives!
We prepare God's people! The purpose of any worker in the church is to build up the people for service, whether it is a nursery worker or a bishop, a pastor, or elder. We serve Christ. By doing this, we build up His church. If we serve with a preoccupation on 'self' e.g. "It is all about me, my position, my name, my legacy, my veneration", we miss the entirety of Who and why we are to lead and manage a church.
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