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Leading the Church

What can we learn from churches that have failures or are disconnected from their purpose?

This article will explore what God calls, how we are and what we can do with practical and biblical insights to prevent breakdowns and major problems from happening. In Part 2, we will look how to recover if breakdowns do occur.
So, is it true all we have to do is love Jesus? Who is Jesus? Once you ask the question, "who is God," you have ventured into theology.
We can model the character of Christ by the faith we show in our obedience to His Word. What we see in Christ is our model of how we integrate or relate to people with whom we have relationships.
Motives and desires all at a convergence and many without an eye to the Word or an ear to the Spirit!

So…what does this have to do with the problems of the Church?
We need to beware of failing to hear the call of our Lord because of the noise of our will. Being set apart for the Gospel is to be totally at the disposal of our Lord and Master.
In application, our faith and ministry efforts are like a working fishing net. Our lives are interwoven with that of others by God as we crisscross with them in life.
Are you so caught up in the events and planning of Christmas that you have forgotten the "Christ" and the "mass," which means we are to worship and venerate Him? Most of us do forget, perhaps not intentionally, because of all our busyness and neglect. We look with anticipation to the gifts, music, decorations, food, family gatherings and such, and for some, this means Christ is the One who is left out as He stands and knocks. As an ironic iconoclast, we feast and honor Christ while He is left outside in the cold (Rev. 3:20).
Worship will be the central aspect of Heaven. Thus, it must be the central aspect of doing church, and of each Christian's life! Our understanding of what a church worship service is must reflect the precepts of Scripture. This includes our influence, and the format of our worship services.
Why we should go to Church, when to leave a Church?

Do you want to go to church, but feel lost there? Do you dread going to church? Do you wonder why or even if you should go to church? If we are not committed to a church home, then there is no one to keep us accountable or to miss us when we do not attend worship. If no one is expecting us, we can come up with all those excuses of why we need not go. Then, a trickle-down effect will occur.

The History of 'Doing Church' through the centuries. Have you ever wondered why do we do Church the way we do? One of the topics for which we receive requests for information is why we do church worship services the way we do. Why can't I just do what I feel is best, or find out what my people and neighborhood would want and do that? Is there a reason behind our traditions? Or, is it just meaningless rhetoric we repeat over and over, year after year, century after century. Well, there is a reason we do church the way most practice it today. There are essential patterns, rooted in the Old Testament, that God requires...
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