Leading your heart-not letting your heart lead you!
With the movie Fireproof and the book Love Dare coming out, I was asked to write an article on it, and I remember I already did. This was a sermon series I did some years ago that I just retooled for my church today. What I sought to do was lay out from God's Word and some of my experiences and research what we can do to put the happiness, fun, and joy back into our marriages. We will explore the concepts of love and seek to apply practical and biblical means to improve ourselves and our families.
With the movie Fireproof and the book Love Dare coming out, I was asked to write an article on it, and I remember I already did. This was a sermon series I did some years ago that I just retooled for my church today. What I sought to do was lay out from God's Word and some of my experiences and research what we can do to put the happiness, fun, and joy back into our marriages. We will explore the concepts of love and seek to apply practical and biblical means to improve ourselves and our families.
We have a call to make sure our hearts are lined up with His. When they are Christ blesses us and our church.
It is aligning our personal desires, our plans, our worship, and our hope with God and His principles. It is an attitude more than an act, a pursuit to be offered to God to give Him glory through our pious, fervent...