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So, what is going on with today's servants of the Church?

Since first studying pastors in the late 80's, we are seeing significant shifts in the last 20 years on how pastors view their calling and how churches treat them.
The Research Methodology of the Francis A. Schaeffer Institute of Church Leadership Development.

Our investigative focus is primarily a critical and scholarly evaluation on the subject. In addition, we seek primarily biblical, true Truth, thus resulting in an investigation of the relative biblical texts and the context from the view of how it was understood in the time and culture from rigorous and sustained exegetical and inductive analysis.

The Top Ten (10) Trends Affecting Church Health!

Leading your heart-not letting your heart lead you!

With the movie Fireproof and the book Love Dare coming out, I was asked to write an article on it, and I remember I already did. This was a sermon series I did some years ago that I just retooled for my church today. What I sought to do was lay out from God's Word and some of my experiences and research what we can do to put the happiness, fun, and joy back into our marriages. We will explore the concepts of love and seek to apply practical and biblical means to improve ourselves and our families.
From the very beginning, then, Schaeffer had a mind for what he called "True Truth." He loved the Bible and its message of salvation first and foremost because it is "true." It accurately reflects the reality within which all human beings find themselves and against which, ultimately, they cannot revolt -- try as they may.
Why People in Church Fight? Part VI

We can grow beyond our natural tendency to put others down by focusing on what Christ did for us and...
Why People in Church Fight? Part V

If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Each one should test his own actions...
Why People in Church Fight? Part IV

Do you feel you have to be right to speak your mind, even when you do not have all the facts?
Why People in Church Fight? Part III

Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall...
Why People in Church Fight? Part II

Defensiveness, Criticalness, Contemptuous and Withdraw!
How and why churches breakdown, the Synopsis of the Research and insights from Schaeffer himself.
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