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Church Leadership

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Matthew 5: 13-16, The Christian leaders role in the world is to be influencers of the world! Not to hide from it, or ignore it...
This form can also be used to teach any book of the Bible, even If you are not experienced!

Inductive Bible Study is a method for learning how to know the Bible for all its worth by our best efforts. We do this through learning the tools and skills to help us observe the text, dig out the meaning, and then apply it to our lives.
Stewardship Part 3: Learning What It Means to Give Cheerfully! How do you feel when churches, ministries, or even missionaries seek you, asking for funds? Does it give you a toothache? Do you cringe and make the quickest possible exit, or do you see those requests as opportunities to serve? A lot of people run away from stewardship because they do not see it as God does. This is a reflection of our spiritual condition! We should never separate money and finances from our spiritual life. Yet, so many Christians do, seeking to be cheerful with what they can keep, not with how they can be used. Have you ever thought that
Stewardship Part II Are you giving what's right, or what's left? In my experiences and observations, I have observed, with sadness, that most people in evangelical circles do not see stewardship as important. A common response to the subject of stewardship is that all we need to have is a good heart, or be sincere in our faith. Our money, and how we manage life is irrelevant. But, is this true? Is God only concerned with our heart? If so, what does that mean? Well, when you read the Bible, you can see that it has a totally different definition of stewardship than what is popular in the church today!
Faithfulness is the gluing fruit that will preserve our faith
Are you in leadership to serve or be served?
Character comes from our response to faith is by godly living, and exercising out our faith with trust and obedience, whatever we face! It is not looking at our situation; rather, it is looking to God. God desires and deserves our whole-hearted loyalty, allegiance, trust, obedience, and devotion; so, what is stopping you?
What does your church serve?
Jesus shows the ultimate care as He seeks us out to offer salvation that we do not deserve and continues to seek us when we wander from Him!
Why? Because; words can get us in so much trouble, and serve both for the good of the Kingdom and the determent of the Church...
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