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Church Leadership

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Who is Jesus Christ to you and your Church? Who should He be? Perhaps Who He really is, LORD Almighty!

He is our Sovereign Lord and Savior to whom we owe an unpayable debt and we can respond in our gratefulness for His glory. Our relationship with Christ is not just that He is our Savior, but He is also our Lord and we are His servants; in this relationship, He calls us His friends in John! Consider the wonder of this all. We were bound by sin and in a helplessness state; now, we belong are bonded to a loving, caring Shepherd who desires to carefully carry us to His prime pasture lands and let us graze on His precepts, feed on His Word, and produce His call--the fleece to give Him glory and build His Kingdom. The true believer is the one who bases all their life," IT ALL", upon Christ, with full trust and assurance by faith and obedience.
So, is it true all we have to do is love Jesus? Who is Jesus? Once you ask the question, "who is God," you have ventured into theology.
We have a big problem in the church today as theology is ignored and good doctrine disappears or is watered down from the pulpit and the airways, and is replaced by what "feels good" or what we feel is needed-Christian junk food. When theology disappears from the church and its leaders, we will have a "free for all" of what we think is truth. The situation will be created where God is moved to the backseat to the god of self or of the favored trend of the day as the central focus of our faith and that will carve a road to hell.
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