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Church Leadership

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How to incorporate an "Inductive" type of study into your home or church Bible study

If you lead a Bible Study, you are called to teach the Bible, not pool ignorance!

We are to lead our learners to the wonders and principles of the passage at hand. You can learn to do this and do it well! You can show the precepts, ideas, and truths of our Lord. You can be the mentor and disciple maker that our Lord has called. You are to lift up the cross, the Person of Christ, and what He has done. You are also to show others what you have learned and still be growing yourself, to show the wonder and truth of a life that affects all of our being.
If you are in leadership, then be a good leader! Servant Leaders are the managers and administers who do the hands-on work of the Lord! We are to do this by being the people of the Lord. Incarnational Leaders are people who are more visionary, the ones who set the tone and empower the Servant Leaders. Incarnational Leaders are the visionaries, entrepreneurs, architects, and builders of the church.
Why and how do we do our home church?

The point of any church is that we must heed God's call, His plan, purpose, and principles all associated as His children and representatives. Why? We belong...
Love, Lead, Offer, Value and Equip.  Commit to building Christian values and principles that show Christ's value and theirs that lead the people in your church to quality and beneficial relationships at home and at work.

A good facilitator needs to strive for obedience to the principles of God's Word and practice the spiritual disciplines of Bible study, prayer, fellowship, worship, and stewardship.
Biblical Principles of God's Call to Manage His Flock!

The goal of this Primer is to lay forth to you suggestions from God's Word and from my own experience on how to effectively run a church. These are based on many years of research and study and observing the top 1000+ churches in the world as well as personal church growth consulting and pastoral experience. A general overview will be given, followed by a step-by-step plan on how to effectively organize for His glory. Although church growth is the goal, this Primer is not based on traditional church growth jargon, even though some of the principles are applied. After years of...
We have a big problem in the church today as theology is ignored and good doctrine disappears or is watered down from the pulpit and the airways, and is replaced by what "feels good" or what we feel is needed-Christian junk food. When theology disappears from the church and its leaders, we will have a "free for all" of what we think is truth. The situation will be created where God is moved to the backseat to the god of self or of the favored trend of the day as the central focus of our faith and that will carve a road to hell.
Read Psalm 15 then ask yourself if your faith is more than just fire insurance from Hell?
In Scripture we are given a call to our spiritual formation; and to do so, we must think, study, and ponder how His principles are to affect and impact us as He is Christ the Lord.
A few Key Principles to Jumpstart your Church on the Road to His Path!
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