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Church Leadership

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Is your church one that reminisces of the glory days? Oh, how wonderful we were when we….. Or when we had…..? Is your passion and affection for yesterday's church greater than today's? Do you fear tomorrow's church? Has your excitement been fleeting? Is the passion absent? Has fear of change caused you to be over-cautions or even disengaged? Is there a compromise of God's Word and or worldliness going on? Is next Sunday just a run-of-the-mill Sunday with no excitement or urgency to what God has for you?

If you have answered "yes" to any of these questions, it is time to revitalize--or become extinct! Learn from over twenty-five years of research, what goes wrong and how to turn your church around… >
Biblical Principles of God's Call to Manage His Flock!

The goal of this Primer is to lay forth to you suggestions from God's Word and from my own experience on how to effectively run a church. These are based on many years of research and study and observing the top 1000+ churches in the world as well as personal church growth consulting and pastoral experience. A general overview will be given, followed by a step-by-step plan on how to effectively organize for His glory. Although church growth is the goal, this Primer is not based on traditional church growth jargon, even though some of the principles are applied. After years of...
Insights and applications to know and then teach your congregation how to read, enjoy and study the Bible! This curriculum is researched from Scripture and over thirty years of effective practice, giving you the basics of an Inductive Bible Study.
The Passion of Jesus! Jesus' Crucifixion From A Medical Point of View! The one thing that kept going through my mind as I researched, wrote, and taught on this subject. Jesus did this for me! He hung on that cross, and went through all this heinous, physical agony of the worst and most intense pain ever devised as torture that a human could conceive and be subjected to. He did this all for me; He took my place; He endured, as an innocent Person, what I deserved as a sinner!

What can we learn from churches that have failures or are disconnected from their purpose?

This article will explore what God calls, how we are and what we can do with practical and biblical insights to prevent breakdowns and major problems from happening. In Part 2, we will look how to recover if breakdowns do occur.
Love is the model we are to use to show God's love to the world!

The plan to build a loving church is simple. Build up your faith by the Word and spiritual disciplines; then, commit ourselves to building each other up, also. Look at the example given us by the Early Church in Acts 2: 44-45. "All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need." That is the formula! We are to be together, helping one another.

So, what is going on with today's servants of the Church?

Since first studying pastors in the late 80's, we are seeing significant shifts in the last 20 years on how pastors view their calling and how churches treat them.
The Research Methodology of the Francis A. Schaeffer Institute of Church Leadership Development.

Our investigative focus is primarily a critical and scholarly evaluation on the subject. In addition, we seek primarily biblical, true Truth, thus resulting in an investigation of the relative biblical texts and the context from the view of how it was understood in the time and culture from rigorous and sustained exegetical and inductive analysis.

The Top Ten (10) Trends Affecting Church Health!

Leading your heart-not letting your heart lead you!

With the movie Fireproof and the book Love Dare coming out, I was asked to write an article on it, and I remember I already did. This was a sermon series I did some years ago that I just retooled for my church today. What I sought to do was lay out from God's Word and some of my experiences and research what we can do to put the happiness, fun, and joy back into our marriages. We will explore the concepts of love and seek to apply practical and biblical means to improve ourselves and our families.
We provide research and resources for discipleship and leadership training. We bring to pastors, church leaders, church planters, seminaries, and Bible schools biblical curriculums, research, encouragement to be a "paraclete" which means to come along side to equip those who do.
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