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Leading the Church


By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
Christianity is to be a personal team endeavor; it is never just about solitary, or personal agendas.

The main point: Christianity is to be a personal team endeavor; it is never just about solitary, or personal agendas. There are times when we need to be alone, especially in our devotions and study. However, the bulk of the Christian walk is in a community experience. That pools the gifts and resources of not just one leader, or the elders, or the volunteers, but everyone as a team for His glory. It is this understanding of what is a true Christian God centered community that will facilitate growth, maturity and a positive and productive church environment.

If not the church will be a collection of loose cannons on deck, that all move to there own accord with out unity or purpose. Resulting in holes being blown into our hull, causing the community to sink and drown.

So the point is this: The church is where we all need to participle and encourage each other together in worship, fellowship, and outreach. And the church is the community of believers, not the building!! So if the community is at McDonald's the church is at McDonald's.

This cannot be accomplished by just a pastor or strong willed leader. A true Christian community is a venture led by God's precepts and Person with godly centered leaders who walk the path first, as led by Him, all working together for His glory.

A summary theology of Christian community I. Community is clearly stated in the Deity

  • God is one. Deut.6: 4; Gal.3: 20 yet three. Mt.3: 16ff. 28:19; II Cor.13: 14; I Pet.1: 2

  • The nature of reality is love in an eternal relationship.

  • Love seeks to love and be loved.

II. Community in humanity

  • Essential for fulfillment of our humanity. Gen.l: 27. 2:18

III. Community in incarnation

  • Jesus born into the human family. Luke 2:4.22.40

  • Jesus called 12 companions. Mark 3:14

IV. Community in Christ

  • We are in the family of God. John 1:12; Mt.12: 46-50; I John 3:1

  • We are members of Christ's Body. Rom.12: 5; Eph. 4:15-16

  • The church is more than an organization of like-minded people; more than an ecclesiastical organization; more than a religious fellowship or task force. It is a spiritual organism in Christ, the family of God.


  • If God Himself is a perfect unity and harmony of Persons.

  • If human nature is fulfilled in close-knit unity and love.

  • If the church is Christ's Body maturing in mutual self-giving serving in mutual support of its members.

THEN we are to follow Him in example with love!

  • And we will see the full potential of maturity, growth, evangelism, outreach, and prayer. Because the church is realized and accomplished in community, as our Lord attended. Mt. 18:19-20; Acts 1:14.4:24


© 1986, 2000 R. J. Krejcir, Schaeffer Institute of Church Leadership,
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